Tales From the South live taping
Tuesday, October 21, Historic Arkansas Museum, 200 E. 3rd St., Little Rock.
The schedule for the night is:
* Doors open at 5pm
* Dinner is served from 5pm-7pm. Dinner purchased separately from admission; food by Southern Salt Company Food Truck. Complimentary wine by HAM.
* Live music by Brad and Amy Williams from 6pm-7pm
This show is $10.00 admission and open to the public. All guests (except writers) MUST purchase a ticket before the show (and as soon as possible). Seating is very limited, and we tend to sell out 2-3 days before each show, so be sure to invite lots of people and to tell them to go to the website (www.talesfromthesouth.com) to purchase their tickets. The direct link for tickets for this show is: www.hamtales.eventbrite.com Tickets are non-refundable.
Seating is first-come, first served.